Saturday 18 May 2013

Natural Ways To Prevent Rough Palm

Rough palms impossible for men is not a problem that means but for a woman it is a very serious problem. Not a few women in the world is experiencing a dry hand skin and coarse textured.
In fact, with the palm of the hand is smooth and soft, we do not need to feel inferior to shake hands with others or join hands with our partners.Conversely, if You have a rough-skinned hands, let alone to shake hands to see the course we’re feeling shy and lacking in confidence.
If you are having problems with rough hands, the best step to overcome this by making sure you have the skin of the palms sufficient moisture. Use moisturizing lotion is the ultimate choice while trying to cope with the natural way. Here is some natural ways to prevent this.
 Take 1 tspn sugar and 1 tspn oil. Rub like a massage between both palms.
 Take 1 tspn sugar along with 1 tspn of limejuice and rub between palms.
Mask for Hands and Feet :

  1. Papaya ½ a cup
  2. Pineapple ½ a cup
  3. Avocado ½ a cup
  4. Honey 4 tblspns
  5. Bran 1 cup

  • Make a paste and apply till elbows for hands and ankles for feet
  • Wash hands with liquid soap that contains moisturizing scrub for exfoliating dead skin cells while gently massaging to improve blood flow in  hand.
  • Use butter as a rub on your palms dry and rough before you go to bed but do not forget to wear gloves after buttering it. Do this every night until a few days until your hands feel moist and tender.
  • to cope with rough hands and dry with a few ingredients above you can try yourself at home. In addition to the above the natural way, the use of cosmetics are also very good moisturizer applied to the skin of the palms were rough to accelerate the healing process.
  • By applying some natural ways to cope with rough hands over the skin and pamper your hands with skin care routine will provide natural softness throughout the day in the palm of your hand.

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