Saturday 18 May 2013

How to Have a Blemish Free Skin


One of the simplest changes you can make that will definitely, 100% clear up acne and blemishes, is to eliminate dairy from your diet.
Milk and dairy products, namely, yogurt, cheese, chocolate, milk, sour cream, cream cheese and all the other products made with cow’s milk are the main cause of acne. Studies show that because of the hormones found in milk – called androgen hormones they react with the human body’s natural hormones and wreak havoc.Milk and dairy are filled with hormones, androgen hormones and di-hydrotestosterone, or DHT. DHT in the body looks for a way to escape – hence, the pores, and oily skin. The more oily the skin, the more blockages occur and the more blemishes.
On the list of skin harming effects are meat products. These products carry the same hormones as milk, along with saturated fat and cholesterol, and that isn’t healthy for anyone. Beef, chicken, turkey, pork and yes, even turkey, have enormous amounts of hormones, and fat.
Avoid fried foods because of the oils and fats, including trans-fats which are not good for healthy skin. Not all fats are bad, avocados are high in fat, but these are the good fats that contain healing properties. Bad fats are common in the American diet, such as hydrogenated vegetable oils and lard (animal fat)- and foods fried in these types of fats can do serious damage to your skin, and your health.
Sugar does serious damage to skin, especially in large amounts. Coca Cola and soda are the worse culprits, because you are drinking high levels of sugar in liquid, so it goes down much easier than say, a donut, or piece of cake. But the level of sugar in soda is astonishing. For one 12-ounce soda can, you are consuming nearly 40 grams of sugar. If you stop at a convenience store, a big-gulp (28 ounces) contains sugar totals of 91 grams.
Coffee and caffeine are two prime suspects in deterring healthy skin. Caffeine stimulates hormones, and is defined as an alkaloid and stimulant that produces sebum – an oily secretion caused by the sebaceous glands, which causes pore clogging and hair follicles, which in turn, causes blemishes.
Do not smoke! Although smoking has not been linked to acne, or blemishes, smoking does harm the skin in many ways. It constricts blood vessels, which results in wounds healing slower, psoriasis and is closely related to premature skin aging. It also creates free radicals, reduces collagen production, and hurts skin proteins.
Stress is a major factor in skin health. During times of stress, the adrenal glands produce more hormones – yes, androgen, and enlargement of the oil glands, or sebaceous glands, to create more oil, and oil blocks pores, which traps the oil within the skin, causing breakouts.
Drink at least 8 glasses of pure water per day, and for a purifying drink – use green teas which come in all different flavors, such as raspberry and orange – and don’t add sugar. If you crave sugary drinks, drink pure apple and pineapple juice, they are sweet, but naturally sweet and make sure they don’t have any added sugars.
Most of all, stay away from processed foods such as potato chips, sweet packaged foods cereals, ice cream, and anything that comes in a box or is altered from it’s natural form.
If you do all of these things, you should see changes in days, and lasting changes to your skin for the rest of your life. Not to mention the healthy glow that will begin, including clearer eyes, and a bright healthy smile.

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