Saturday 18 May 2013

Food That Helps to Grow Beautiful Hair

If you have been using good hair care products and your tresses have not been as shiny as you would like, perhaps you need to consider that your shampoo and conditioner are not quite as important as what you feed your body with. Check these foods for beautiful hair.
Go Nuts:
Zinc is one of the most important minerals that you can feed your body. Everything depends on it. Try snacking on walnuts which are full of alpha-linolenic acids. Omega 3′s will condition your hair, and walnuts are full of them. Selenium is vital for the health of your scalp, and if you include Brazil nuts in your diet, you will notice a huge difference. Almonds, cashews and pecans are also full of zinc. If you have been shedding, you may not be getting enough zinc in your diet.
Whole Grains:
Everyone knows that whole grains are an essential part of anyone’s diet. Eating whole-grain cereals and including whole-wheat bread a few times a day will increase iron, B vitamins and zinc. Substitute white bread and tortilla’s with whole grain. You will notice a boost in your energy, and your hair will thank you for it.
Milk :
Yogurt and skim milk not only add calcium, but they also contain casein and whey. These two protein sources will have your friends asking you what products you are using on your hair. Try adding cottage cheese and yogurt into your diet. It would not hurt if you added a few tablespoons of flax seed oil as it will make your hair shine.
Cast That Line:
Fish not only helps your body with healthy Omega 3 oils, but it can also add shine and texture to your locks. Try to add at least 3 portions of fish per week into your diet. Try salmon, or go for a tuna salad. Shellfish can also help your hair. Although oysters are a popular aphrodisiac, they can also add essential oils to your hair and scalp.
Add Poultry To your Diet:
Poultry is loaded with protein, and it can give you healthy hair that others will envy. If you do not have enough protein in your diet, you may be experiencing brittle hair that is extremely weak. Try adding turkey and chicken to your diet, and you will be amazed at how shiny your tresses will become in a few weeks time.
Eat your Veggies:
Everyone knows that carrots can improve your eyesight, but what most people do not know is that including lots of rabbit food in your diet can also help your hair. Full of Vitamin A, carrots will naturally condition your hair. Keep them in your fridge, or take some with you to work.
Very Berry:
Blueberries are full of antioxidants. Not only do they get you closer to the fountain of youth, but they can also help your hair become shiny and healthy. Add them to your cereal in the morning, and munch on them during the day.Just by changing your diet, you will notice a huge improvement in the way your hair looks and feels.

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