Friday 17 May 2013

Because of your smile, you make life more beautiful ~Thich Nhat Hanh

Most of us recognize beauty when we see it. God created a universe full of beauty for our eyes to behold – oceans, mountains, flowers, skies, human bodies. Some people were just blessed with fabulous figures. I see some of them and think, “Wow. That’s a work of art.” Unfortunately, sometimes the artwork becomes worthless when I hear what comes out of their mouth.
Sure, physical attraction usually starts off a relationship. There are definitely reasons to try and maintain our bodies which will be discussed in a future article. But, in order for our relationships to grow and thrive, what’s inside us has to come out.
Beauty is so much more than the physical. It really manifests itself more in who we are than what we look like. The book Captivating by John and Stasi Eldredge talks about the woman’s “beauty to unveil.” Everyone has something on the inside that’s beautiful.
Do you know what that is inside you?
Another way to think about the beauty to unveil is to look at what makes you come alive. Ask yourself the following questions:
  • What are you passionate about?
  • What do you love to do?
  • What cause are you (or do you want to be) an ambassador for?
  • What gives you the most fulfillment and joy?
It doesn’t have to be anything complex. Don’t discount the little things that bring you fulfillment and joy. Too often we discount the things we enjoy because other people seem to be doing so much more and, in our eyes, are making a bigger impact in other’s lives. Joy will never be found if we keep comparing ourselves to the Jones’. It could be something as simple as using your love of painting or your gift of encouraging by writing notes to others. Maybe your passion is raising your children or building your career. When God given passions and talents are used, the inner beauty can’t help but come out.
The woman who has found that beauty to unveil carries herself differently. More often, there is a smile upon her face. Her outlook on life is more optimistic.
Those that are doing things they are passionate about are attractive - attractive because of the passion they pass on.
If you know what you are passionate about, are there things that get in the way of living your passions? Schedules, kids, career, spouse – you name it. There are ways to adjust. Life can get in the way of living your passion, but don’t let it be an excuse.
Unveiling that beauty won’t happen overnight. That’s OK. Take your time. But work to find your passion and unveil it. Make time for it.
Find the beauty in you. Be proud of it. Then share it.

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