Saturday 18 May 2013

Tips To Stay Beautiful

Every woman wants to look beautiful forever.It is not as simple as it seems. But, that also does not mean it is rocket science to stay beautiful for long years. It is a process and so it takes time.Here are some tips to stay beautiful.

Tips To Stay Beautiful are:
1.Run away from the sun:Avoid direct exposure to the sun. The harmful rays of the sun not only darken the skin, but also result in premature aging, wrinkles, dark spots and other skin problems. Use an umbrella to cover your face and hair from the sun as far as possible. Always use a sunscreen lotion containing SPF 30 or more, when you go out in the sun.
2.Watch your diet:Whatever you eat influences your skin and hair, more than you can imagine. Carefully watch what you eat. Avoid junk and oily food. Instead, opt for fresh vegetables, salmons, lean meat and high fiber foods.
3.Sleep your way to beauty:Sleep relaxes your mind and body. It is a great way to get rid of stress. As a result, you wake up in the morning feeling refreshed and renewed. So, no matter what happens, see that you get your daily dose of 6 to 8 hours of sleep.
4.Use sunscreen even in winter or on a cloudy day:Many think that sunscreen is only required when there is prolonged exposure to the sun.The truth is that even when it appears that it is not sunny, the sun’s rays pass through the clouds and directly affect your skin. It is always advisable to apply a sunscreen lotion, whenever you go out during the day.
5.Drink water:Human body consists of about 70% of water. As a result, when you drink less water, your skin cells dehydrate. Water cleanses and hydrates the skin, giving it a youthful and healthy glow. Water also gets rid of other health problems. Try to drink about 10 to 12 glasses of water daily.
6.Be beautiful from the inside:Beauty should be inside out. We’re all human and at some point in time, we all do things that are bad.As far as possible, avoid wishing bad for others. Instead concentrate on yourself and your life alone. When you start feeling positive, it will have an impact on your beauty.
7.Moisturize, even if your skin is oily:A moisturizer helps to hydrate your skin and keeps it moist. It also cleanses your skin and makes it glow. Hence, make sure that you use a moisturizer, even if your skin is oily. You can use an oil-free moisturizer.
8.Stay away from stress:A happy person always tends to look more beautiful than a person who is always sad. So, try and avoid being a tragedy queen. There are so many reasons to smile and be happy. So, push the stress in your life far away, get rid of any kind of negativity and, most importantly, smile.
9.Look after your hair:Long or short; pick a hairstyle that suits you best. However, make sure that you look after your hair, no matter what. Use a good shampoo followed by a conditioner. Avoid using harmful dyes to color your hair.

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